We want to update you on the measurements Alfa Transport Service has taken as a consequence of the Corona Virus. In this e-mail the following topics will be addressed:
- As of today all docs and data must be sent over electronically
- The advancing (prefinancing) of VAT and Belgian Excise
- What/if in case of a lock down.
Digital doc and data transmission
Currently the majority of the ATS’ people work at home, which implies exclusively digital processing of docs and data. For the majority of docs and data this already is the case, however and if applicable, as of today we kindly request you to digitalize all docs and data. Please click on this link for further upload instructions. Following these instructions, we’ll be able to guarantee adequate processing and prefinancing, which will not be the case for phisical docs.
Advancing of VAT and Belgian excise
Most tax offices have reduced its capacity, resulting in longer processing and pay back times. We expect a further increase of delays or even worse, a total fall-out of payments from tax offices. In case of prefinancing your VAT and Belgian excise, this has no consequenses due to the fact that we can rely on a comprehensive bank facility. In case of normal refund delays in pay-back times automatically will result in later payments to you. In order to keep your cash going, we offer you to prefinance your VAT and Belgian excise after all, as the case may be for pending or future files. Prefinancing on contemporary basis also is an option. If you’re interested, please contact us.
Lock down
In case of a lock down, Alfa has taken the right measurements to continue its business.
For further questions or inquiries, please contact us.