The transition period that began immediately after the UK left the EU on 31st December 2020 has now come to an end. We have assessed the implications and the applicable scheme of VAT refund for the following situations:EU based companies who want to claim VAT incurred in the UKUK based …


Changes Excise Duty and VAT
LiquidityAll the trade and the industrial sectors have negatively been effected by the corona crisis. Not an exception to this is international trade and thus international transport. According to the Dutch organization for International Transport TLN, 70% of the members now are facing a loss of turnover up to 29%, …

Submitting invoices electronically
We want to update you on the measurements Alfa Transport Service has taken as a consequence of the Corona Virus. In this e-mail the following topics will be addressed: As of today all docs and data must be sent over electronically The advancing (prefinancing) of VAT and Belgian Excise What/if …